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The Uncomfortable Change


Change is something that we all strive for change, however, we fail to obtain.  Change is the essence of striving for greater, but  comfortable with mediocrity.  Something we wish upon for our peers, for their good, however, subconsciously want them to fail.  That's probably an overkill, however, let me to elaborate.

It's a new year, filled with new challenges, victories, mysteries, growth, and excitement.  Most of us have already planned out our goals for this year.  Some of us call this a new years resolution, which is a promise, goal or goals that primarily focuses on the accomplishment of self improvement throughout the year.  Some of those goals may be fitness, business, personal struggle, and or spiritually related.  Now I won't lie and say it's an easy task to change, and part of that reason is because we have become too comfortable.  It's easy to do the things that we don't want to do, but difficult to accomplish the things that we should do.  This too is evident in scripture.

Romans 7:15-20

"15 For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. 16 Now if I do what I do not want, I agree with the law, that it is good. 17 So now it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells within me. 18 For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out. 19 For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing. 20 Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells within me."

It's easy to succumb to our normal hedonistic practices of entertainment.  Now I am not stating that we should never watch tv, what I am saying however, is that we need balance.  We are too focused on just getting the reward, than putting in the hard work.  The truth is if winning was easy, everyone would do it. This is something world renowned motivational speaker, Eric Thomas preaches everyday.  If you want to succeed you need to want it, not "kinda" want it.  In order to do this, we need to stop being comfortable and invite change.  

Now I don't have a 3 or 5 step method that will give you results, I do however, have my own method, based on my experiences.  The first thing I recommend is to write out your goals.  I don't know how to really explain this, but for some reason writing your goals helps more than typing them.  Writing your goals down puts things into perspective and it makes things feel real.  The second thing is to figure out if your goals are beneficial or harmful to your growth.  Sounds basic, but it's very important to write out the pros and cons of each goal.  If the cons outweigh the pros, then you want to reconsider, or better yet re-evaluate your goals.

The third thing I would recommend is being realistic.  If your goal is to be the owner of a powerful corporation like Apple or even recording with Jay-z, within a month, then that is aiming very high.  While its good to aim for higher, you have to be realistic and ask yourself, "is this something I can do within this time frame?"  Which leads to step four.

Step four is be specific.  If you say you want to have good grades in school for example, that won't get you far.  Good can be anything from an A to a passing grade of a C.  Being specific sets you up to see clearly what you want, when you want it, and how you want it.

Step five, accepting failure.  Now I am not saying just fail, I am suggesting that in the event you don't reach your goal, use that as a positive.  This step is more so a change of perspective.  If someone is always thinking about the bad, then the bad things will come.  Changing your thoughts is a key component to success as it will help you progress when things are rough.  It's not the championship that makes a winner, it's the mentality when things don't go their way that truly defines and separates greatness from the norm.

Step six is to surround yourself with likeminded individuals, or individuals that support your goals and vice versa.  While I admit I am one of those people that joke about those who don't come to the gym after the first week of the new year (I'm human too, don't me).... its those individuals that stop them from succeeding.  It's better to be around those who believe in you and push you to accomplish your goals than people who think you will fail.  There are those that don't want you to succeed, don't associate with them.

Step seven.....patience! Oh I not like that word...  In all seriousness patience is of virtue, and those who are patient are the ones who come out winning at the end.  I believe it was Edison who failed about 1000 times making a light bulb but he continued and succeeded.  Patience is a powerful weapon in life and is something we all can improve on.  After all its not about winning all the battles, its about winning the war.  Temporary outcomes does not determine long term results.

Hope you enjoy the blog!  Please feel free to let me know what you thing and share this with your friends.  Also feel free to follow me on twitter, instagram and Facebook by clicking on the icons at the bottom of the page.

Take care, and continue striving for greatness.